6 Months Industrial Training in Java
Java Language is mostly preferred for it’s security feature as compared php language for creating
websites and software. We are having experienced professionals for providing training for six weeks
as well as six months Industrial Training.
Our curriculum is up-to-date, the credit goes to our Research and Development team. All the latest
topics like: Lambda expression, Date and time API, JAVA Nashorn, etc are covered. So, the trainees
are Industry-ready and able to get employed through placements very easily.
Our training is completed through Live and Dynamic projects. Therefore, all our Trainees have
“Hands-on” every aspect of the technology. Trainee’s skills are tested through weekly tests and
assignments. Moreover, “ The Kites” is ranked first for Industrial Training in and
around Jalandhar.
- History
- Introduction of C
- Introduction of Java Programming Language
- Automatic Memory Management & Java Features
- Installation of Java Development Kit 1.8
- Java Virtual Machine(JVM)
- JRE(Java Runtime Environment)
- OOPS in Java
- Data Types
- Scanner Classes
- Variables & Identifiers
- Constructors
- Methods in Java
- Installation of Java Development Kit 1.8
- Java Virtual Machine(JVM)
- JRE(Java Runtime Environment)
- OOPS in Java
- Data Types
- Scanner Classes
- Variables & Identifiers
- Constructors
- Methods in Java
- Inheritance & Types
- This, Super Keyword
- Run-Time Binding
- Dynamic Method Dispatching
- Final Keyword
- Access Privileges
- Types of Method Overriding
- Abstract Class
- Interface
- Update in Interface in JDK1.8
- Default Method
- Static Method
- Packages
- Wrapper Classes
- Command Line Arguments
- Exception Handling
- Throws Keyword
- Throw Keyword
- Finally Keyword
- Custom Exception Classes
- AutoBoxing & UnBoxing
- Varargs
- Direct Block of Code
- Static Block
- String
- String Pool
- Comparison of Strings
- lang.StringBufferclass
- lang.StringBuilderclass
- lang.Thread
- Constructors & Methods
- Life Cycle Of Thread
- Thread Synchronization
- Thread Asynchronization
- lang.Runnable
- Inter-Thread Communication
- Methods of Thread Class
- Collection
- lang.Collection
- util.list
- util.ArrayList
- Generics
- util.Iterator
- util.ListIterator
- Custom Generic Type
- util.Set
- util.SortedSet
- util.HashSet
- util.TreeSet
- lang.comparable
- util.Comparator
- util.Map
- util.SortedMap
- util.HashMap
- util.TreeMap
- Applet & JApplet
- Lifecycle
- Limitations of Applets
- appletviewer
- Passing parameters to Applets
- Graphics on Applets
- Introduction
- Locale, Currency
- Resource Bundle
- properties files
- Fetching Text from Resource Bundle
- Introduction
- RMI Architecture
- The Remote Interface
- The Remote Object
- Writing the Server
- The RMI Compiler
- Writing the Client
- Remote Method Arguments and Return Values
- Dynamic Loading of Stub Classes
- Remote RMI Client Example
- Running the Remote RMI Client Example
- Networking Fundamentals
- InetAddress
- URLs
- The Client/Server Model
- Socket
- ServerSocket
- User Datagram Protocol
- DatagramSocket & DatagramPacket
- Basics of Linux
- Relational Databases
- Structured Query Language
- sql API
- Types of Connectivity
- Steps of Connectivity
- JDBC Drivers
- Statement & PreparedStatement
- Connection – commit & rollback
- ResultSet
- CallableStatement Overview
- Scrollable & Updatable ResultSet
- Batch Updates
- Connection Pooling
© The Kites - ISO 9001:2015 Certified Institute & Company,Jalandhar,Punjab.